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Trimming your Wedding Guest List with Minimal Drama

Couples are usually trying their best to stay on budget when planning their wedding. One way is to limit the guest list. But how can you do it? We found these helpful tips at Brides.com.

Trimming your Wedding Guest List with Minimal Drama

⁃ Your wedding is a celebration of close family and friends. Try to avoid inviting family or friends missing in action or you haven’t spoke to in years, who are really not part of your life anymore. Shy away from sending reciprocating invites to people that invited you to their weddings years ago. Unless you are still good friends with them this would be a good way to trimming your wedding guest list with minimal drama. Draw the line or give limitations on friends invited by your parents and in-laws, especially if you’ve never met them before.

⁃ Work friends could inflate your wedding guest list by a couple of tables. If they are coworkers who you just have an occasional casual lunch with or share workspace with, you can just have a happy hour celebration. Have something with them after work one day instead of inviting them to the reception.

⁃ An unruly guest can put a damper or ruin the reception of your dreams. Avoid inviting people with a track record of being unruly at previous weddings or is always getting kicked out of clubs or bars. You’ve spent so much time planning and investing funds into this day, don’t take that chance.

⁃ Another way to trimming your wedding guest list with minimal drama. is make it an adult only wedding. Most couples would welcome a night out away from the kids and routine for a little bit where they just kick up and enjoy.

⁃ Avoid giving your plus ones to guests who are not in a relationship. Especially if the plus one is going to be someone you’ve never met before. This avoids the awkwardness of meeting someone for the first time at your wedding reception.