writing your wedding vows

Writing Your Special Wedding Vows

Tips on Writing Your Special Wedding Vows

Exchanging vows during your wedding ceremony is one of the most intimate and nerve racking moments of your life. Standing in front of the person you love & making that life long commitment in front of all your guests can be overwhelming. Here are some tips on writing your special wedding vows we found at brides.com It’s a moment of laughs, tears, and a request for tissues so that your mascara won’t run and stain your veil.
-You don’t have to make your vows perfect, just speak to your spouse. Right from the heart in your own words as if it’s just the both of you.
-Don’t make your vows all mushy. You can add some humor about the both of you to get your guests laughing.
-Keep your vows under 2-3 minutes. That’s just enough time to keep your guests’ attention. It’s also long enough time to say and express your feelings without rambling or being repetitious.
-Don’t wait till last minute to write your vows. Give yourself time to brainstorm on what you’d like to say. If you wait for the night before your wedding you may be overwhelmed. When you are a bundle of nerves you won’t seem to string together a sentence.
-Skip clichés, instead use specific details of your relationship with your spouse. Make it very personalized and geared towards sharing your passion, commitment, and connection. Writing your special wedding vows makes the ceremony all about your relationship. Isn’t that what all of this is about?